Friday, January 15, 2010

complex two sided ad

Internet bullying is a serious and hurtful act.

Those who don’t understand the consequences of an Internet bully have often never been bullied. They say that things like bullying don’t happen frequently over the internet and their repercussions are not severe or even an issue. However, statistics show that 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them over the internet while 42% of kids called it bullying. Actually, four out of ten kids say that this has happened more than once. It needs to end.

This is a complex, two-sided message that not only tells the audience how serious a problem internet bullying is, but also shows the denial aspect of the American public. Those who do not think cyber bullying is a serious topic are ignorant to reality and should do all that is in their power to stop cyber bullies in their track. Just because they have not experienced it first hand, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

think before you send

This is a simple message with our "THINK before you send" slogan pasted on top of all the effects cyber bullying may have on American children.

scare tactics

Nearly four out of every ten kids has been threatened over the internet. Most of those kids experience this problem repeatedly.

To reduce these statistics and the stress and horror it places on children all over the world, please, think before you send.

If you have nothing nice to say, the easiest thing to do is to not say anything.

The statistic mentioned first in this ad is really a great scare tactic. This message is for kids, adults, or anyone who may contribute or be affected by cyber bullies. This ad shows how serious a problem this issue is and the most basic, simplistic way to stop it. Think before you send.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


follow this link to take a survey about online bullying:

Click here to take survey

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks is an attractive, trustworthy and looked up to by many young women all over the United States. We believe that since she has made a fight against cyber bullies many other young women will chose to do the same. See what she has to say about cyber bullying:


Our President is an intelligent, thoughtful and persuasive man. His expertise and trustworthiness will be sure to persuade anyone that cyber bullying is a serious issue in today’s society and needs to be eliminated.

subliminal messages?

Should chatrooms and social networking sites use subliminal messaging to influence positive online interactions? It may seem like a far stretch, but the makers of Facebook, MySpace, LiveJournal, and many other sites are considering it possible. By posting positive and influential phrases around the sites, sort of embedded in the ads and headliners, scientists believe that users may actually feel a difference in mood. This postive shift will then hopefully reduce the amount of negative activity that goes on through the internet.

taylor says...

Again, Taylor Swift promotes the end of cyber bullies by saying "just because its online doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt." The phrase was coined by American Apparel's "stop hating" line, but this pop star is doing everything in her power to promote it.

This message shows repetition by the spokesperson and distinct message. By constatly promoting and repeating these catchy slogans, T.Swift will definitely make an impact on cyber bullying.

tina meier

Tina Meier is the mother of Megan Meier, a young woman from Missouri who committed suicide because of her repeated humiliation and embarrassment online. The intensity of this ad should make you really THINK before you send.

American Apparel presents...

Promote positive internet use and put an end to cyber bullying with a new clothing line from American Apparel.

By wearing American Apparel’s new “stop hating’” clothing line, not only will a person be promoting what they believe in, they will influence anyone they come in contact with.

taylor swift campaign

Taylor Swift says, "If you have ever been the victim of a bully, don't tolerate it. Surround yourself with the people you love."

This message uses classical conditioning by pairing Taylor Swift with the effects of Cyber bullying so that victims will feel empowered and understand that they are not alone.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

some sites

check out some of these articles about cyberbullying:

social engineering attempts

Recently, there have been a ton of campaigns developing that try to convince people that cyber bullying is a severe and dangerous concern. Many schools and organizations have a zero tolerance policy for bullying. These guidelines and strict rules are laid out on day one. If one does not abide by these rules, they will most likely have restrictions or even be kicked out of the school or organization immediately. People need to know that if it’s not OK to say it in person, it’s not OK to say it on the web. A simple comment could ruin someone’s entire day.

The most helpful advice would probably be these simple guidelines. If you are the victim of cyberbullying:

1. don't respond

2. don't fight back or make threats toward the bully

3. talk to a trusted adult

4. most importantly: SAVE THE EVIDENCE.

technological fixes

Many sites now allow you to report a user if you believe they have been abusing their rights or the websites policies. This is not a perfect way to stop internet bullying because in many cases the damage is already done before the report has been filed. Some parents and schools may even block certain sites they do not want their children to participate in, which can definitely shield their children from cyber bullies. Filtering what students and children see and use online basically has the potential to control how they act online. Users of social networking tools can also block specific people from contacting them, thus eliminating that bully individually.

a history of cyber bullying

Bullying obviously didn’t start on the internet, however it has become a huge problem with every new technological innovation. User names and a computer screen may make some users feel invincible and it is hard to relay emotions through net conversations. Many may not think it is a big deal, however the repercussions of an IM gone wrong could be fatal. Cyber bullies are known for sending harmful and hurtful messages along with extreme cases of deception and lies. Most of these bullies really just want the victim to suffer. However, since humans cannot communicate face to face through the internet (usually cyber bullies would not interact this way with a victim), many bullies have no idea how far is too far.